Are you a boss or a leader?

Are you a boss or a leader? Lots of the clients that I work with supervise others.   Principals guide their schools. Teachers manage their students.  Managers direct workers.   Owners of businesses supervise their employees. Here’s an important question for anyone in any of these roles:  Are you a boss or a leader? A boss…

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5 things leaders do differently


5 Things Great Leaders Do Differently Great leaders don’t just lead others well. They begin by leading themselves well and then go on to teach and inspire others to do the same. Whether you are a solopreneur or  a team leader, the success of your business depends on leading yourself well first. You are a…

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what is your leadership style?

woman and leadership

Leadership Style “I’m not really a people person,”  a leader at one of my DISC training sessions told me. A coworker was surprised.   Many of us have the expectation that anyone in a leadership role must be a D personality style (dominant, decisive, doer, determined) or an I personality style (inspiring, influential, interactive).  In…

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Core Values and YOU


Choose Your Core Values  Have you ever thought about what your personal core values are? What about core values for your classroom? or for your family? Would it make a difference if you knew your core values and practiced them? In a previous post, I wrote about the  one question you can ask to encourage leadership skills in…

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3 Ways to Bond your Team During a Crisis

 Bond Your Team During a Crisis Are you leading a team, a business group or staff of an organization during these unusual and troubled times? Maybe you work for an organization and have a group that you are in charge of. Or perhaps you are in direct sales and have a team that you lead.…

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