5 things leaders do differently

5 Things Great Leaders Do Differently

Great leaders don’t just lead others well. They begin by leading themselves well and then go on to teach and inspire others to do the same. Whether you are a solopreneur or  a team leader, the success of your business depends on leading yourself well first. You are a role model for others; your team members, your clients and your community. Successful leadership contains equal amounts of doing and being. It is part mindset and part hustle. 

So what characteristics do great leaders possess? They

See failure and mistakes as a learning opportunity.

Failure is part of business. Great leaders don’t just tough it out. They anticipate failure, they recognize it and learn from it. Identifying problems early, gives them extra time to find solutions. 

Ask “What if its possible…?

Great leaders have great vision. They think big and live bold. They don’t let the possibility of failure or mistakes hold them back from setting big goals. Great leaders are all in when it comes to achieving their dreams. They actively look for victories that can be replicated and analyze success as carefully as they analyze failure. They ask, “What got us here and what do we need to do to move forward?”

Are decisive.

Great leaders make decisions carefully, but they make them. They don’t stay in a holding pattern and they aren’t stuck in doing things the way its always been done. They enjoy problem solving and develop specific effective strategies for determining their best outcome.

Know when to change course.

When you created a product or service, nurtured it and poured your energy into making it work, it’s hard to change direction, if it’s not working. Great leaders aren’t attached the product or service, they are committed to successfully serving others whatever direction that might take. Sometimes that means making great changes in the midst of uncertain and changing times.

See their mission with clarity.

It’s easy to get distracted by new ideas and strategies. But if a mission is compelling and clear, everyone will feel excited to work toward it. A great leader who knows the potential of their vision and goals, isn’t lead astray by the distractions around them.

Great leaders are successful at leading themselves well first. They then inspire those around them to perform at their best too. No matter whether you are a solopreneur or work for someone else, leading yourself well is critical. 


Ready to Lead Well and Grow Your Business?

I’ve created the Build Your Business Made Simple Video and Coaching Series for you!


Click here for all the details

Build Your Business Made Simple Modules include:

Module 1: Your Mindset Matters

Module 2 Get ‘Er Done Goal Setting 

Module 4 Your Clients and You

Module 5 Setting Up Your Client System

Click here for all the details



  1. […] A leader is someone who embodies positive qualities, guides and directs others and models the work ethic that they expect from others.   They treat employees like… people.  They say, “I hired you because I saw in you the qualities of a leader.  I’m here to show you the way to develop those qualities and benefit both yourself and the business. I’m holding the space for you to be the best you can be in this environment and I’m here to lead the way to success.” […]

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