School Counselors: Need extra income?

woman thinking

Use Your Skills to Create Extra Income If recent economic events have taught us anything, it’s that we should all have more than one stream of income. When you have all of your eggs in one basket and that income stream dries up, you are in a difficult, maybe even desperate situation. A coach and…

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Does your workplace bring out the best?

working from home

Here’s the workplace fix According to US and global Gallup polls about 89% of workers don’t feel that they can be their best at work and 70 % are not engaged at work.  What this means is that an overwhelming majority of the workforce is not involved in or committed to their work while about…

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Crucial Conversations with Employees

What to Do When that Employee isn’t Working Out You have someone working for you and it’s not going well. He isn’t doing his job. She is making a lot of mistakes. Maybe they aren’t even showing up. It could be a full-time employee, a part time employee or someone who you contract with occasionally.  Maybe…

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Is your mindset sabotaging your business?

Mindset Matters in Business What if it’s possible that you are accidentally sabotaging your business with a scarcity mindset? Have you ever said: “Charging that price would be highway robbery.” “I try to help everyone who needs my help.  If I get more specific about who I serve, I’ll wind up with no clients at…

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Where to find your clients

Finding Your Ideal Clients Now that you know who your clients are, the next question is: where can you find them?  Knowing who they are should give you direction.  If your clients work a 9-5 job, where can you find them after hours? Are they at the gym?  On the golf course?  Are they working…

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