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7 Things Entrepreneurs Will Understand

Traveling in the business world as an entrepreneur can be scary, rewarding and exciting at the same time. Ever since leaving my twenty year career as a school counselor and stepping boldly (and timidly at the same time) into the world of  business, I have learned and grown more as a person than probably at any other point in my life.
As I look back over the past several years, I’ve learned a lot. Can you relate?

1. You Will Never Be The Same Person

Stepping into your own business will make you a stronger and more courageous person.  No longer are you following the dictates of someone else’s program or adjusting to someone else’s management style. You structure your own days and plan your own calendar.  You are your own person;  You determine the plan of action and take responsibility for the results.   You are self-aware and authentic. You learn to have more confidence and trust your own abilities.

2. You Are In Control Of Your Emotions

Entrepreneurs definitely experience various levels of stress on a regular basis, from worry about finances to implementing new strategies.  You may feel awkward and ill at ease at networking events and lay awake at night wondering where the next client will come from. You quickly teach yourself  how to remain calm and in control even when you are dealing with uncertainty and doubt.

3. You Are the Leader of Your Own Life

Entrepreneurs can’t rely on their co-workers or boss to plan their day or back them up when things aren’t working. Instead they teach themselves to become master leaders who are at cause in their own lives. They take responsibility for the good, the bad, the ugly and consider it all research and development for moving forward and improving their business.

4. You Live In The Present

Entrepreneurs know how to live in the moment. You are done waiting for perfection, rescue or permission.  You are ready to seize the opportunity and the day. It doesn’t matter that there are obstacles ahead.  You have learned to walk around them.

5. You Understand The Importance Of Leaving Your Comfort Zone

Entrepreneurs learn that you can be fearful and brave at the same time. Fear does not mean you need to stop taking risks. It is rather a sign that you are about to move out of your comfort zone. You learn to push yourself even when you are afraid, because  you know the best experiences happen there.

6. You Appreciate Others and Recognize Their Struggles

Being an entrepreneur means you get the chance to connect with other people and their businesses.You are no longer isolated from the world in your own sphere of knowledge.  You learn to value others highly. You accept that you are not always in control and you can rely on others to help and assist you.

7. You Know Your Strengths

You learn how to roll with the punches and consequently become aware of how strong and capable you can be in the best of times and the worst of times. You learn to play to your strengths and minimize or work around your weaknesses.

Are you an entrepreneur?  What have you learned about yourself from the experience?

Need a coach to walk along side you as you step into the challenging and exciting world of entrepreneurship?  

Sign up for my Build Your Business online program and get 2 coaching calls as part of the program.  You get to decide when to schedule the coaching calls and determine your pace in completing the program.

Sign up here 





  1. Corinne Meharg on June 2, 2015 at 2:21 pm

    Hi Lynn,
    This is a beautiful post and a lovely testimonial from your client. You are rocking it!

  2. Ann on June 4, 2015 at 6:33 pm

    Great post Lynne – so very true. #5 is a big one for me!

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