One Word and Vision Boards

vision board

How to use vision boards to set and achieve goals For the last several years, I have chosen a word in January to give me focus for the year. Then using the word as a theme, I create a vision board to provide focus for the year. Mid year is always a good time to…

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Are you stressed out? Being an entrepreneur means being stressed… right? Isn’t that just part of the way things work?   Stressed about getting new clients. Stressed about getting work done. Stressed about how to present your elevator pitch at the next networking event. What if being stressed isn’t the way it has to be? …

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How to cope with challenging choices

woman thinking

Challenging Choices A funny thing happened at a party that I recently attended. The invitation included instructions to back into the driveway in order to create enough space for all the cars.  I rode to the party with a friend and on the way we discussed the “back in” issue.  Neither of us had ever…

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Are you living in Camp Abundance or Camp Scarcity?

Create an Abundant Mindset I recently heard from a client who was totally stressed out by the possibility of another business owner moving in on her idea and ultimately her territory.  Worried that a colleague had taken her unique business idea, made it her own and was ready to launch her own business, my client was…

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3 Steps to a Memorable Presentation

memorable presentation

Creating a Memorable Presentation Do you have a presentation or a workshop in your future? Are you agonizing over what to present and how to package it in the most meaningful way? Are you wondering how to connect with your audience so they will remember what you shared? Attending a conference is a great way to…

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Your inner critic and playing small…

Your Inner Critic Who do you think you are to start that business, create that product, showcase that skill? What will people think when they see you? What if someone challenges your talent, ability, expertise?   After all…  you don’t really know what you are doing, do you? Everyone else does it so much better.…

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