4 Ways to Prepare Kids to be Leaders

father and son

Growing Young Leaders I’ve talked to several parents recently who have adult children living at home, unemployed and directionless.  A current report confirms that for the first time in modern history, the most popular living arrangement for 18-34 year old young adults is living at home with their parents. Frequently these are young adults who…

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Need your own Job Independence Day?

Dreaming of being your own boss? Are you SO done working for someone else? Are you dreaming of setting your own schedule and tapping into your creative side? Do you imagine what it would be like to feel excited, passionate even about getting up and going to work each day? I know… the thought of actually moving forward…

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Do you have a story to tell?

What if your life is a story someone needs to hear? Do you have a story to tell? Do you read a book or watch a movie and think… I have a life story that’s even better than that… Do your friends and relatives tell you to share your experience? What is holding you back?…

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Good or bad decision?

boy with light bulb

How to make consistently good decisions What do kids and adults do all day everyday? It’s so automatic, many times we aren’t even aware that we are doing it. Other times we think and agonize over it for days in order to do it right. It’s so common, you’ve probably done it about 100 times…

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Teaching Kids How to Handle Emotions

Portrait of boy, hear no evil, grey background

How to Teach Kids about Emotions Just as children need to learn their colors, letters and numbers, they also need to learn how to identify and express their emotions.  Parents and educators often focus on the former and ignore the latter. How often do you hear an adult quizzing a children  on colors or recognizing…

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Networking Tips for Introverts

woman networking

Introverts CAN network If you find yourself intimidated or a little overwhelmed when you have to talk about your business to a room full of say 50+ people, you are not alone. This is especially true if you are an introvert.   Mention attending networking events to many entrepreneurs and you get rapid heartbeats along with…

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