The power of ‘not yet’ in changing behavior

student with a smiley face note

“Not Yet” and Changing Behavior As I visit schools and provide training in DISC personality style to staff and parents, I’m often asked, “Can you change your basic personality style or is it just hard-wired in?”  The exciting news in all areas of human development is that we can change and grow in many ways.…

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3 Ways to Bond your Team During a Crisis

 Bond Your Team During a Crisis Are you leading a team, a business group or staff of an organization during these unusual and troubled times? Maybe you work for an organization and have a group that you are in charge of. Or perhaps you are in direct sales and have a team that you lead.…

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Celebrate the Introvert

introvert girl

Worried about a Student Who is an Introvert? One of the most common misconceptions about personality styles is the difference between being shy and being an introvert. It’s not really the same thing. Shyness is often rooted in fear and anxiety while introversion is a type of personality style that has certain characteristics, most notably…

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Teaching the Perfectionist


Personality Style and Perfectionism Is there a student in your class who is an over the top perfectionist? Does everything have to be just so? Do they fall apart when there is the slightest mistake? This is a student who may fall into the C personality style. According to the DISC personality program, there are…

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Teaching the High Energy Child


The High Energy Student Is there a student in your class who is the energizer bunny?  Always moving… always talking? Is your student a bundle of energy and curiosity, moving from one activity to another but never completing anything? Does your child love interaction and being in the center of attention? Then you are probably…

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Personality Style and Motivation


Wondering how to motivate different personalities? It’s a new school year and you have spent hours setting up your classroom, attending meetings on the latest and  greatest technology and getting your lesson plans in order. You are ready for the kiddos to arrive with parents in tow so you can orient everyone to your system…

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