Teaching the Perfectionist

Personality Style and Perfectionism

Is there a student in your class who is an over the top perfectionist? Does everything have to be just so? Do they fall apart when there is the slightest mistake?

This is a student who may fall into the C personality style. According to the DISC personality program, there are four basic personality styles.  We are all blends of these.  Here are the characteristics of each.:

D:  dominant, determined, decisive

I:  interactive, inspiring, influential

S:  stable, sweet, supportive

C:  competent, cautious, conscientious

Students who are C-wired tend to be gifted and make up about 20-25% of the population.  They like to be right, follow the rules and can be very loyal to traditions. They are task focused and like to stick with something until it is completed.

Sometimes C wired children have a perfectionistic, idealistic approach. They tend to see the world as black and white and are often impatient with other’s perceptions that are different from their own. They can be very hard on themselves and others when they don’t measure up to their high standards. Sometimes this perfectionistic bent can lead to analysis paralysis, where they cannot make decisions or more forward because they can always gather more facts to analyze before making the perfect decision. What are some strategies for teaching the C-wired student?

Teaching the C Wired Child

Quality and details are important to them, so they cannot be rushed or pushed.  They need time to make decisions since they like to gather the facts and do things correctly. This is a child who benefits from sincere praise and appreciation of a job well done. Correction should be gentle.  An important role of the educator of a C-wired child is to help them see the big picture and not get too caught up in the details.  Help them discover quality answers to their many questions and appreciate their curiosity about the world and how it works.  Since they are often not very tuned in to others, it helps to encourage them to interact and learn to empathize with feelings. Celebrate the C child’s naturally inquisitive, inventive nature, and their desire to do things right and with high value.

School Counselor Resource: Need a lesson on using the I statement with a bossy friend? Got it…

Wyatt and Good Manners

Wyatt the Wonder Dog Learns about Good Manners

Wyatt is always wondering about something and lately it is how to get his friend, Max to change his bossy ways. What can he do? Join Wyatt as he considers some rather unusual options until he finally discovers that a heart to heart talk with Max can create a new friendship with an old friend.

Have you ever had a friend that did some things that you disagreed with? Wyatt does and he doesn’t know what to do about it. Join Wyatt as he learns that being honest with his friend is the best and only way to solve the problem. A great story!

~Lynn Hughes M.Ed. professional school counselor, Ball Ground Elementary

Grab your copy here!

Lesson plan for Wyatt Learns about Good Manners