Building Bridges: Fostering Friendships Through Role-Play

kids on playground

Friendships are a crucial part of childhood, offering emotional support, opportunities for social learning, and a sense of belonging. As elementary school counselors, you play a vital role in helping students develop the necessary social skills to make and maintain friendships. One of the best ways to do this is through role-play either in a…

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The Heart of Friendship: Nurturing Empathy in Young Hearts

kids on playground

In an elementary school, friendships play a pivotal role in shaping a child’s social and emotional development. As elementary school counselors, our mission is not only to address academic concerns but also to nurture the emotional intelligence of tomorrow’s leaders. One crucial aspect of this emotional intelligence is empathy—the ability to understand and share the…

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Kids and tough friendship decisions

3 happy boys

Friendship Decisions and Self-Worth As a school counselor for twenty years, one of the most common problems that I talked to kids about was friendship. What do you do when a friend wants to do something that is unkind, thoughtless, or involves breaking the rules? What do you do when a friend is bossy, self-centered…

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The comparison trap and kids


Kids and the comparison trap Is there a student in your life that is a people pleaser? Are they always looking for  approval and recognition? Do they worry too much about fitting in? Do they complain that they have no friends? Do they have trouble taking initiative, even in situations where they have experience and…

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Teaching the Perfectionist


Personality Style and Perfectionism Is there a student in your class who is an over the top perfectionist? Does everything have to be just so? Do they fall apart when there is the slightest mistake? This is a student who may fall into the C personality style. According to the DISC personality program, there are…

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Friendship Troubles

group of girls

Helping Kids See Problems as Opportunities Friends Making new friends. Handling  challenging situations. Knowing when to move on… What do you do when a friend wants to do something that is unkind, thoughtless, or involves breaking the rules? What do you do when a friend is bossy, self-centered and treats you unkindly? If a friend …

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