Time for a new career?
Ready to Make a Career Change?
Are you ready to make a change in your career?
Maybe Covid-19 has dramatically changed your business and it is no longer viable-you need a change and fast.
Maybe you have a dream career or business that you’ve been wanting to explore and now is the perfect storm to make the move.
Or maybe you are retiring and leaving one business behind but know you will need an additional source or income.
Where do you start and how do you proceed?
I often talk with clients who are interested in changing careers. Sometimes they are totally burned out in their current career. Sometimes they just feel it is time to move on and they have a dream that they have always wanted to pursue. Often, although they know they are ready to go, they aren’t sure how to take the leap of faith that it takes to leave their comfort zone…even when it is a discomfort zone.
I was talking recently with a client about transitioning from her 30 year career in the education system to the next phase of her career life. When I asked her what she envisioned herself doing, she wasn’t sure about what she wanted to do but she was very sure about what she didn’t want to do; no more children with behavior problems, no more demanding parents, no more useless meaningless paperwork. But what did she want to do? She really hadn’t a clue. She had spent such a long time in one career, she had little knowledge of the opportunities that were available. In addition, she didn’t know how to evaluate her personal skills and strengths.
I talk to a lot of people like this and all too often, they take that leap without fully determining the direction they want to go in. Once they’ve made the decision to leave (and sometimes once they acted on it) most people take a reactive approach to moving into their next career. Where are the job openings? What is the newest hot career? What pays the most? You get the idea.
What if instead, you took a creative approach? What if you looked inward and first identified your values, talents, skills and personal characteristics? Then you used the information to survey the work scene and create work you loved? What if you stayed in the driver’s seat and planned your future rather than grabbing the next thing that came along? Here’s what that would look like:
Three steps to move from your day job to your dream job with intention:
- Develop clarity-This is the first step, the most critical step and often the step that is overlooked. Take a creative approach and set aside some quiet time to make a yes and a no list. What are the tasks that you most enjoy doing and those that use your abilities well? What is the environment that you thrive in? What are values that you want to embody in your career? Then make a list of the no’s. What do you not want to do any more? What are tasks that you do well but no longer want to be part of your career? Decide what on each list is non-negotiable.
- Research the possibilities-Now that you have a general description of what you would like your dream job to look like, begin to research the possibilities. What is a field that excites you? What career piques your interest? What career meets the criteria on the yes list? Develop a possibilities list and begin researching companies or businesses online. If your plan is to start your own business, find similar businesses that model what you hope to create. Once you have identified several options contact the business and set up a reverse interview. Meet either in person or on the phone and find out everything that you can about the career. This is not when you ask for a job, you are still in the research phase so ask away about everything you want to know. However, be aware that this could turn out to be a potential employer, so be sure to leave the impression of the curious and competent worker that you are.
- Go all In-this process is not for the casual job seeker who is willing to take the first job that pops up no matter whether it fits their profile or style. It’s not for someone whose dream job is lying on the beach while the money is deposited in their bank account (that’s called a paid vacation). Instead, this is a process for someone who really wants to create meaningful work that matters. Finding and create that dream job is a job in itself. Make the commitment and know that it is worth it in the end.
Ready to step out of your comfort zone and gain some clarity on what is possible?
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You can fail at what you don’t want, so you might as well take a chance on doing what you love. Jim Carrey