What is your calling?

woman with binoculars

Trying to figure out your calling? Do you feel like everyone else knows their calling, except you? Do you feel like you have been trying to figure it out for too long? Do you just want things to fall into place so you can move on? One of the things that I do in Dream…

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Time for a new career?

Ready to Make a Career Change? Are you ready to make a change in your career? Maybe Covid-19 has dramatically changed your business and it is no longer viable-you need a change and fast. Maybe you have a dream career or business that you’ve been wanting to explore and now is the perfect storm to…

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Time for a career change?

Time for a career change? How do you know if it’s the right time for a career change? Here’s a little True or False quiz: It’s time to make a change, if you dread Monday mornings… and the feeling starts Sunday morning or Saturday morning or Friday…you get the idea. It’s time to make a change, if…

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Is it the right time to make a career change?

woman unsure

The Right Time to Make a Career Change? Are you thinking about making a career change? Do you wonder if now is the time? I’ve written before about creating an exit plan and turning your day job in to a dream job. Maybe right now your job or career has come to a screeching halt…

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Five signs its time to make a change…

Decisions are hard and you’ve been trying to determine if its time. Here are some signs: You’ve been waiting for things to get better…for a very long time.  Whether you are overwhelmed with the mounting workload on your job or hoping (and praying) that your boss will start giving you the recognition you deserve, your focus is…

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