how much should you charge?

How to determine your price point As I work with clients to create a business, one of the details that often gets a lot of discussion is: What should I charge? Most begin by under-pricing their product or striving to make it economical so customers will want to buy it. There a several reasons not…

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What is your calling?

woman with binoculars

Trying to figure out your calling? Do you feel like everyone else knows their calling, except you? Do you feel like you have been trying to figure it out for too long? Do you just want things to fall into place so you can move on? One of the things that I do in Dream…

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Time for a new career?

Ready to Make a Career Change? Are you ready to make a change in your career? Maybe Covid-19 has dramatically changed your business and it is no longer viable-you need a change and fast. Maybe you have a dream career or business that you’ve been wanting to explore and now is the perfect storm to…

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how to create a business while working the J O B

woman on computer

Creating Your Own Business As a career and business coach, I often work with clients who are creating a business on the side while working a full-time job.  The goal of course, is to eventually leave the J O B and work full time in their own business.  Currently, because of Covid-19 and it’s affect…

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3 Tips for Transitioning to Your Dream Job

Dream Job Ready to make a change in your life? Want to create an exit plan from your job? Do you have a dream career or business that you’ve been wanting to explore? I was talking with a client about transitioning from her 30 year career in the education system to the next phase of…

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Time for a career change?

Time for a career change? How do you know if it’s the right time for a career change? Here’s a little True or False quiz: It’s time to make a change, if you dread Monday mornings… and the feeling starts Sunday morning or Saturday morning or Friday…you get the idea. It’s time to make a change, if…

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