Having a confidence breakdown?

woman with hat

Low confidence a problem? “Your thoughts are incredibly powerful. Choose yours wisely.”   Ever had your Inner Critic take control? Maybe your inner voice said something like… Who do you think you are to imagine you could..? Everyone else does it better than you. Everyone else is more successful than you. Maybe it’s time to…

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What would your future self say?

Let your Future Self Advise You Are you glad January is over? All the over achievers have retreated along with their advice on goal setting and how to make this year the best one ever. It can be overwhelming.  Maybe now you can just get back to work as you wait for sanity to return…

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Celebrate the Introvert

introvert girl

Worried about a Student Who is an Introvert? One of the most common misconceptions about personality styles is the difference between being shy and being an introvert. It’s not really the same thing. Shyness is often rooted in fear and anxiety while introversion is a type of personality style that has certain characteristics, most notably…

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Social Emotional Learning Resource Kit

A school counselor resource of puppet and 8 picture books.

Social Emotional Learning Resource Kit Are you committed to teaching lessons that nurture young leaders, but exhausted with researching and creating weekly lessons that matter? Do you have a packed calendar of lessons and groups to complete but are you running out of creative ideas to make the lessons happen? Wyatt and I can help!…

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The Power of Priority

How to make your priorities… a priority What is your priority for today?  Do you have one… or two or three?   How does your priority translate into your action plan or schedule for the day?   As a career and business coach, much of what I talk about with clients is priorities.  Here are…

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