I appreciate you!

Why I appreciate you!

It’s definitely been a school year to go down in history. When kids of this generation look back on the impact that current events have had on them, what do you think they will remember? Will it be the facts they learned, the tests they took or the grades they made? While they will no doubt remember the abrupt end of the school year, my guess is (and research from the past shows) that what will be remembered is the characteristics and traits that you showed in handling the crisis. 

So what makes a memorable and effective school counselor or educator? Here’s what adults say:

  1. Help me feel safe: Kids arrive in a learning environment with all kinds of previous experiences but the first order of business is to help them feel safe emotionally, physically and mentally.
    1. You have taught me to be authentic.
    2. You have taught me that I am enough just as I am. 
  2. Help me catch your passion: Memorable educators share a passion that is contagious. Their excitement about the possibilities and the future for each and every child opens doors and propels them forward with enthusiasm.
  3. Teach me to stretch myself: Effective counselors and educators encourage students to set big seemingly impossible goals and then they teach the patience and persistence to endure the many obstacles along the way to reaching them. They see who you are becoming, not just who you are now.
  4. Teach me to believe in myself: Effective counselors teach kids to believe in themselves, their abilities and their strengths by believing in them first. They model unconditional love and acceptance in the midst of imperfect behavior and attitude. They teach kids to recognize their skills and develop them through a growth mindset.
  5. Teach me to be resilient: Everyone will encounter hardship and challenge in their lives. Effective educators help kids to see beyond the present problems and to hold the course, even when they want to give up. 

Wyatt’s Little Book of Lesson Plans, Worksheets and Games

Just for you!  Here are activities, lesson plans, discussion questions, coloring sheets, word search puzzles and games for each of the nine Wyatt the Wonder Dog Books.  Over 75 pages of ideas so that you can create lessons on cooperation, teamwork, listening, mindset, friendship, conflict resolution, organization and generosity to quickly extend and incorporate the Wyatt stories. 



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