Kids and the Healing Power of Nature

Three silly, playing kids

What if a walk in a green environment could rewire brains, calm anxiety, and stave off mental health problems? I don’t have to tell you that mental health concerns among children is at an all time high. From academic stress to social pressures and familial issues, the weight of these challenges can be overwhelming. Additionally,…

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How to Raise Responsible, Self-Reliant Children

Family at kitchen

Helping Kids Develop a Can Do Attitude I often hear teachers and parents alike lament that the students today have little intrinsic motivation and initiative. Certainly as a school counselor, I  often presented lessons on being responsible. When asked what it means to be responsible, children usually have a good idea. They would identify tasks like…

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3 Ways to Help Children Develop Resilience

tug of war

3 Ways to Help Children Develop Resilience What does a child do when faced with a challenging situation? Give Up Find an adult to fix the problem Attempt to solve the problem What is resilience?  It is the ability to recover from difficulties. What are the key factors in developing resilience?  Here’s what we know…

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Empowering Kids to Be the Hero in Their Life Journey

superhero boy and girl

What if instead of thinking of our lives as a random series of events, we thought of our lives as a story with each of us as the hero faced with challenges, triumphs and opportunities for growth? What if we not only shared this concept with students, but taught them the power of seeing themselves…

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Growing Strong: Four Characteristics of Resilient Children

excited kids

It is a rare individual who does not encounter  disappointments and difficulties during their childhood years. As counselors, we have the privilege of nurturing tomorrow’s leaders and helping them develop courage and resilience in order to handle these difficulties. Resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversity, overcome obstacles, and adapt positively to life’s…

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4 Ways to Develop Resilient Kids

boy on ladder

We all know people who have experienced tremendous challenges in their lives. Perhaps you are one of them. Sometimes it is a physical challenge, sometimes it is an environmental challenge and other times it is a menta or emotionall challenge. After talking with someone about  their personal challenge, I always ask, “What is it that…

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