Teach Kids Teamwork

Teach Kids Teamwork One of the key characteristics that employers look for today is the ability to work with a team. It is also a quality that will enhance family and classroom dynamics. Sometimes we think that it is something that a child is just born with, but in actuality we can teach skills that…

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Are you a giver or a taker?

Are you a giver or a taker? According to the Carnegie Institute, 85% of your success is determined by your people skills and only 15% by your technical skills. In his book, Give and Take, Adam Grant drills down even farther. He maintains that to be successful, you must be a giver. You might be…

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Help Kids Set Goals that Motivate

student with a smiley face note

Help Kids Set Goals that Motivate Do you sometimes wish that you could swap your personality for another? Do you wish you could swap a child’s personality for another, at least long enough to get them to finish their homework or do their chores? If you are reserved, do you wish that you could be…

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Do you need some help?

Do you need some help? It’s one of the hardest things that we do For some of us, it is seen as a sign of weakness We try to avoid it at all costs We keep up a façade of competence just so we don’t have to do it… Even when we recognize it as…

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Doubt Busters for kids

frustrated girl

Doubt busters for kids I can’t I’m a loser Everyone else does it better I’m afraid I might fail I’m afraid I might succeed Do you know a kid who is riddled with doubt?  Do you find that no matter how much you praise him, he still lacks self-confidence?  Is it frustrating to see her…

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6 steps to happiness

happy woman

Six Steps to Happiness There are plenty of reasons to be unhappy… Covid- 19-duh! You hate your job but don’t see any better options. You lost your job because of Covid-19 You are sick and the treatment isn’t working. You are having problems in your relationship; with your partner, with your kids, with friends.  Seriously, I…

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