getting started

Most of us are always starting something:

a new job

a new diet

a new relationship

a new project

a new adventure

How do you start well?  How do you begin so that you avoid past mistakes?  How do you ensure the best possible chance of success?  Are there any strategies that work? It turns out that there are a lot of things that go into a successful venture, some of them are so obvious that there catchy phrases that remind us of them.  For instance, “If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.”  But there are some other things that are not so intuitive.  In his newest book, When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing Daniel Pink identifies several key ideas that could make or break your success. Here are two key ideas:

Begin with a pre-mortem: We are all familiar with a post-mortem, but what if you analyze and anticipate everything that could go wrong before you even start?  Then you develop a plan for how to handle it before it even happens. 

Begin at the beginning: Research shows that starting something at the beginning of a time frame improves the chance of success. There are a lot of possibilities here. You could begin at the beginning of a new year, a new month, a new season or a new quarter.  You could also begin on a day that only has significance for you; your birthday, an anniversary or a graduation day.  

How you start has a great impact on the success of your new venture. 

In case you missed it, here is a new video on how to get started when you are feeling overwhelmed:

Techniques for overcoming overwhelm from Lynne Watts on Vimeo.


What do you do to ensure success when you start something new? I’d love to hear in the comment section below:)

Ready to start a new chapter in your life or your career?  

Let’s talk and make plans together:

I was at a turning point in my business in deciding which direction to go.  I needed some focus and inspiration.  Fortunately I was connected with Lynne Watts and Dream Achiever Coaching.  Through a few individual coaching sessions and her informative videos I learned how to change my mindset about “selling” and promoting my business.  I also gained clarity on direction and uncovered a business model that would work best with my current phase of life.  I now have greater clarity to move forward in 2017 and have already landed my first client of the year!  Lynne is positive, encouraging, and is great at helping you find the clarity and inspiration you need to move to the next level!  I highly recommend Lynne’s coaching packages!

~Sandra Abdalian




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