Reflecting on the School Year… A Vital Lesson

Male Student Working At Desk In Chinese School Classroom

As the school year draws to a close, elementary school counselors have a golden opportunity to teach a crucial lesson on the importance of reflection. Reflecting on the past school year allows students to celebrate their successes, learn from their failures, and prepare for the journey ahead. Why Reflection Matters Reflection is a powerful tool…

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Who do you want to be? .

superhero boy and girl

Helping children find their voice Helping children find their voice and determine who they are at their core has been a task for all generations.  Over the years we have certainly approached it in many different ways. There have been generations that  focused less on who you wanted to be as an adult and more…

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Helping Kids Set Goals that Work

goal setting

Helping kids learn to set goals can be a skill that serves them well in every area of life. However, it can also be a frustrating and discouraging experience for them! How can you help kids not only set goals but develop the patience and persistence to see them through to the end? Here are…

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7 Questions to Measure Success

woman and goals

Here’s a quick survey for you: Being an elementary school counselor can be Exciting Fun Fulfilling Lonely Frustrating Overwhelming All of the above Other: My guess is that on any given day you could answer: All of the Above. As employees of a school system, we of course have yearly evaluations regarding our success at…

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