Top Ten Ways NOT to Follow Your Passion

Are you following your passion? There’s a lot of talk about discovering your gifts and finding your passion these days.  In fact, following your dream through creating a dream job seems to have become a national pastime.  When I started The Called Woman Conference and wrote the book, The Call: Perfect Dream, Imperfect Life in…

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Having a confidence breakdown?

woman with hat

Low confidence a problem? “Your thoughts are incredibly powerful. Choose yours wisely.”   Ever had your Inner Critic take control? Maybe your inner voice said something like… Who do you think you are to imagine you could..? Everyone else does it better than you. Everyone else is more successful than you. Maybe it’s time to…

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The Power of Priority

How to make your priorities… a priority What is your priority for today?  Do you have one… or two or three?   How does your priority translate into your action plan or schedule for the day?   As a career and business coach, much of what I talk about with clients is priorities.  Here are…

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Feeling letdown?

Had a recent letdown? Felt like everything was going your way…then BAM! you are blindsided by  ~a rejection ~a run in with your manager at work ~a sarcastic remark from a friend ~a relative that withdraws their support. It happens to all of us.  Some days just suck.  But you can count on it happening…

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Four Coaching Myths

Business Coaching … who needs it? Can’t you learn everything you need from reading books and attending training? Your best friend also has a business, can’t you just ask her for help if you need it? Sure things are tough, hectic even but its going okay– sort of.  Shouldn’t you wait until you are in a…

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2 Success Rituals

Morning Success Rituals Can Change Your Life Do you have trouble getting yourself motivated to work on your business? Are physical problems sapping your energy? Do you feel like you work all the time but can’t get traction on attaining your goals? I recently had a client who was in an energy slump.  She had…

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