
Resistance I often talk with clients about things they want to stop doing or habits they want to break: stop spending so much time on Facebook stop worrying so much stop being depressed stop neglecting their business Here’s the problem with trying to stop doing anything:  what you resist, will persist… Let me show you…

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Feel like giving up?

What to do when life gets in the way I had good intentions but… I lost my focus and my emotions took over… There was no time to follow through… I feel like giving up… What do you do when you have a vision, set an intention, make a goal… and then stuff happens? You…

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Do you need some help?

Do you need some help? It’s one of the hardest things that we do For some of us, it is seen as a sign of weakness We try to avoid it at all costs We keep up a façade of competence just so we don’t have to do it… Even when we recognize it as…

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exhausted woman

Feeling Overwhelmed? I have a new baby, a business and a special needs 12 year old… I’m overwhelmed. My business is really taking off.  I have more work than I can do and I can’t find good help.  I’m so afraid I can’t do it all and will let people down! My biggest challenge is…

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Why mindset matters

Mindset Matters What you think about makes a difference. Change begins within and moves outward. You become who you think are.Visualize yourself as confident and you eventually become confident. Visualize yourself as a failure…unfortunately you will become a failure, however you define failure. This is isn’t just wishful thinking. There is research to back it…

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fear of failure or fear of success?

Are you afraid of failure… or success? What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail? What if you deliberately chose to take a path in life where you knew there was a good chance you would fail? Would you steer clear of the challenge?  say bring it on?  start strong and then give…

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