Five signs its time to make a change…

Decisions are hard and you’ve been trying to determine if its time. Here are some signs: You’ve been waiting for things to get better…for a very long time.  Whether you are overwhelmed with the mounting workload on your job or hoping (and praying) that your boss will start giving you the recognition you deserve, your focus is…

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Do you know your calling?

Your Mission Matters Do you know your calling or purpose with clarity and focus? Could you state it in one succinct sentence? Or is it foggy and unclear?  Charles Schultz, the creator of Charlie Brown was a genius at bringing big concepts down to everyday life. In one comic strip, Lucy says to Charlie, “You know,…

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Is there an obstacle in your path?

Four Road Blocks to Success If you want to win, you’ve got to start. ~John Maxwell Do you have trouble getting started? Do you have an idea that has been a dream for a while, maybe even a few years, but you’ve just never gotten around to doing anything about it? Maybe you took a…

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What is your greatest regret?

Is fear holding your back? In a book entitled, The Top Five Regrets of the Dying, an Australian nurse, Bonnie Ware, who spent years caring for the terminally ill writes that the number one regret of her patients is this:  I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.  What…

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What Are You Afraid of?

Is fear getting in your way? A few years ago I consulted with Trish, an aspiring author. We originally met at an author event where she asked the question, “How would you go about getting a children’s book published?  I’ve written a story and I’m not sure what to do next.”  I worked with her for…

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Got a vision for your future?

Three steps to creating work you can love “I’ve drawn a line in the sand.  I’m quitting this job at the end of the year, come hell or high water.” “This is absolutely the last time I’m working a holiday season.”   “I can’t take the stress any more.  I’m retiring at the end of…

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