How To Do Mental Health Check-ins with Students

mom and son

Concern for the mental health of elementary age students has been growing due to changes in our culture and the overall stress level in our society. Post-COVID, there has been a significant uptick in reported mental health concerns. The disruptions caused by the pandemic, including remote learning, social isolation, and uncertainty, have impacted the emotional…

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The Power of the Positive

caring hands

Setting the Tone with a Positive Culture How often do you begin the day, the conversation, the class, the lesson… with something positive? Could it make a difference in learning, attitude and interactions?  When we come from a genuine and positive place, we are more likely to get a positive response. Not to mention that…

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Is It Possible to Create a Zen Like Calm at Work?


The Secret: Taking Charge of Your Feelings Research shows that two out of every three people are unhappy at work… Are you one of them? Did you know that there are a higher number of heart attacks on Sunday evening than any other day of the week?  Bet you can guess why… Whether your job…

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Kids and Loss. How to Help.

Sad child

How to help kids cope loss A grandparent is sick and in hospice. A parent or sibling has terminal cancer. A close friend or relative is undergoing treatment for a chronic disease. Children are not protected from loss and grief any more than adults are, yet they often have fewer emotional resources or coping mechanisms…

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What to Do About a Student with Angry Outbursts

Angry upset boy,

Angry Outbursts: Prevention and Coping Skills On a School Counselor Facebook page, a school counselor asks for help with a 5th grader who regularly has angry outbursts over such things as forgetting his work at home or his Chromebook is missing from the class. During sessions focused on helping him calm down, he’s still very…

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Where Negative Thoughts Come From and How to Change Them

stressed kid

Negative thoughts… we’ve all got them. But where do they come from? Kids and adults alike probably think that negative thoughts just happen but in actuality there are four places that they may come from. We fail at something or make a mistake: Instead of seeing failure as a necessary part of success, instead we…

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