Common Symptoms of Trauma and What to Do About It

sad boy at window

Recognizing the symptoms of PTSD in children is crucial for early intervention. Symptoms may vary depending on the child’s age and the nature of the trauma, but some common signs include: Re-experiencing the Trauma: The child may have nightmares, flashbacks, or intrusive thoughts related to the traumatic event. Avoidance: The child may avoid places, people,…

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Common Trauma Situations for Children and Picture Books that Help

mom and son

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is often associated with adults, but children are also susceptible to its effects after experiencing traumatic events. As elementary school counselors, it’s essential to understand the impact trauma can have on children and to provide appropriate support to help them cope. Traumatic experiences can deeply affect a child’s emotional, cognitive, and…

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Three Ways to Support Shy Kids

Sad boy sitting on window

How to Support Shy Kids Recently at an outdoor concert, I watched a self-assured young boy spot twin girls playing nearby, walk up to them and ask, “Can I play with you?” He was quickly assimilated into the group and soon the three of them were happily playing together although they were never formerly introduced…

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Emotional Regulation and Nurturing the Good Inside


Every child brings a unique set of challenges and triumphs. For elementary school counselors, dealing with behavioral issues, emotional hurdles, and social struggles, it can sometimes feel like an uphill battle. However, there’s a powerful concept that can transform how we approach these difficulties: “good inside.” Clinical psychologist, Becky Kennedy’s insightful book, Good Inside, introduces…

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Classroom Stress Relief Strategies for Kids

girl with glasses thinking

Students today are more stressed than any time in history.  Causes of stress may  include social pressures, family conflict, food/housing insecurity, struggles with identity or self-esteem, academic pressures, and life transitions. Any stressor can significantly impact a child’s mental health. Equipping students with coping mechanisms within the classroom setting is critical for their overall well-being.…

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How To Do Mental Health Check-ins with Students

mom and son

Concern for the mental health of elementary age students has been growing due to changes in our culture and the overall stress level in our society. Post-COVID, there has been a significant uptick in reported mental health concerns. The disruptions caused by the pandemic, including remote learning, social isolation, and uncertainty, have impacted the emotional…

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