One simple step toward building confidence

Need more confidence? Maybe you’ve said: I believe I have the ability… but I just don’t have the confidence I need to make the change. I’ve accomplished a lot but if I were more confident, I could really make a difference. Don’t worry, I totally get it.  I’ve struggled with feeling confident my whole life. …

Male Student Working At Desk In Chinese School Classroom

how to teach kids not to give up

Use Brain Science to Teach Kids Not to Give Up Brain science has dramatically changed how we think about the brain.  While much of the research has been applied to helping children learn better in an academic setting, growth mindset research has also taught us how to help children develop high self-esteem while at the…

tired teacher

Motivating Students

Motivating Students At an elementary school training, a teacher asked me about strategies for a student who has no motivation.  He refuses to do any work at all and she has tried numerous strategies already.  “I’ve tried everything and nothing works,” she said.  As a school counselor for 20 years, I often heard similar concerns.…

getting started

Most of us are always starting something: a new job a new diet a new relationship a new project a new adventure How do you start well?  How do you begin so that you avoid past mistakes?  How do you ensure the best possible chance of success?  Are there any strategies that work? It turns…

kids and careers

Helping kids develop a good work ethic

Tips for Teaching Kids a Good Work Ethic Everywhere I turn, I hear complaints about the lack of a good work ethic in today’s employees.  In a study of 1000 employers across the country, Josh Davies, the CEO of the Center for Work Ethic Development  in Colorado asked the top six work traits that employers look…

3 happy boys

Kids and tough friendship decisions

Friendship Decisions and Self-Worth As a school counselor for twenty years, one of the most common problems that I talked to kids about was friendship. What do you do when a friend wants to do something that is unkind, thoughtless, or involves breaking the rules? What do you do when a friend is bossy, self-centered…

Gratitude and Hardship

How do you make the most of life’s challenges? My life hasn’t been perfect.  Has yours?  I’ve experienced everything from the loss of a job to the death of a parent and husband.  I’ve had interpersonal conflicts and personal failures.  I grew up in what used to be called a broken home and I’ve been…

Five steps to overcoming FOBO

Are you a victim of FOBO: Fear of a better option?   Here are the signs: You never get around to taking a vacation because you can’t make a decision.  There are so many choices and you don’t want to miss out on somewhere spectacular because you already committed to somewhere else. You stay in a job…

boy winning award

Intention and Reflection for the Classroom

Intention and Reflection for the Classroom What was the most memorable and significant year of school for you? The first year you attended school? The year you starred in the class play? The year you won an award? The year you graduated? Research has shown that an important part of learning in any environment is reflecting on our…

What People Say About The Wyatt Books

kind words from educators, parents, and kids!

"Going to kindergarten is a milestone for everyone and the beginning of the year is usually filled with excitement and angst.  Wyatt the Wonder Dog addresses the typical concerns that most children have in a sweet and relatable way.  Kindergarten really is fun!"

— Laura Uszenski
Kindergarten Teacher

"Wyatt the Wonder Dog Learns about Teamwork is another great example of helping kids improve their social skills.  It teaches kids the power of working together and how much better we are when we work as a community"

—Melissa Toren Hrin, Professional School Counselor
Beverly Cleary School, Portland, OR

"[Wyatt the Wonder Dog Learns about Mindset] This book is funny!  It's dogs doing things that only people do!  I learned to try new things."

— Samuel Traub
Age 6

Wyatt the Wonder Dog Learns about Giving is a delightful book that teaches kids (and reminds adults, as well) that generosity is possible no matter how old, young, rich or poor we are.  This is a powerful message and an engaging story that every child will love. 

~Jen McDonough, author of Living Beyond Rich

Wyatt the Wonder Dog Learns about Friendship teaches not only friendship and making connections, but also how to become successful at problem solving. Great for school counselors, teachers and families.  Bravo! 

Sharissa Shatten~ School Counselor

Feeling left out? Need help getting along with friends? Wyatt the Wonder Dog Learns about Cooperation weaves important life skills into engaging story telling. Join Wyatt as he learns how to be the superhero in his group of friends by using cooperation and compromise.

~MaryFrances Gonzalez MACCCSLP

Have you ever had a friend that did some things that you disagreed with? Wyatt does and he doesn't know what to do about it. Join Wyatt as he learns that being honest with his friend is the best and only way to solve the problem. A great story!

~Lynn Hughes M.Ed. school counselor

If you've ever lost your lunch money or misplaced your favorite toy, you can relate to Wyatt the Wonder Dog.  This adorable story offers simple, helpful ideas that kids and parents can use to make life less stressful and more fun!

~Erin K. Casey, author