4 Ways to Develop Resilient Kids

We all know people who have experienced tremendous challenges in their lives. Perhaps you are one of them. Sometimes it is a physical challenge, sometimes it is an environmental challenge and other times it is a menta or emotionall challenge.

After talking with someone about  their personal challenge, I always ask, “What is it that sustains you and gets you through the  experience?”  I get a lot of answers but if I were to summarize the attributes of a resilient individual I’d list the following…

  1. A growth mindset instead of a victim mindset. Individuals who believe that change and growth is possible stay engaged in practices that help them overcome their current circumstances. They follow treatment protocols, they ask for help and guidance, they set goals and follow the steps necessary to attain them.  Individuals with a victim mindset give up and allow their  circumstances to control the outcome.
    • How can you help? Encourage a belief in the power of effort and perseverance. Teach children that challenges are opportunities for growth and learning, emphasizing the importance of resilience in achieving goals.
  2. A community environment instead of an isolated environment. Community can take many forms.  For some it is their faith community while for others it is their family or friends and co-workers.  Regardless of who makes up the support community, resilient people don’t try to go it alone.  Difficult as it may be, they learn to ask for and receive help.  They share their struggles with others.  Not only do they reap the benefit but often their challenges pull the community closer together as well.
    1. How can you help? Foster supportive relationships with children, creating a safe and nurturing environment where they feel valued, heard, and understood. Encourage peer support and collaboration to strengthen social connections.
  3. A personal sense of purpose and identity instead of low self-esteem. Resilient individuals believe they have something unique to offer and they are determined to make a difference in their world through their strengths and skills.  They take failure and hardship in stride as part of the necessary road to success.  They don’t let their circumstances define who they are but maintain a strong sense of self and purpose. They don’t waste time wishing their life was easy and problem free.  Instead they allow their situation to help them develop mental and physical muscles that sustain them through the tough times.
    1. How can you help? Encourage children to reflect on past experiences of overcoming challenges and setbacks, highlighting their resilience and strengths. Share stories of resilience and perseverance to inspire and motivate them.
  4. A toolbox of coping strategies that they use on a regular basis. They practice problem solving, mindfulness,  stress management and conflict resolution techniques. They take the time to understand other cultures and other perspectives. While they have a solid sense of self, they are interested in growing and developing healthy relationships with others.
    1. How can you help?? Equip children with practical coping strategies such as deep breathing exercises, mindfulness techniques, positive self-talk, and problem-solving skills to manage stress and adversity effectively.

Together, we can cultivate a generation of resilient individuals who embrace life’s ups and downs with unwavering resilience.



  1. […] It gives them ownership of their life-  It places them clearly at cause in their life rather than at effect.  It sets them up as problem solvers not just someone who is waiting for life to happen to them. […]

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