Come as you are…because you are enough

What if it is possible you are enough, just as you are? Do you… ~feel like an impostor? ~worry that if others really knew you, they wouldn’t like you? ~have impossibly high standards for yourself and others? ~work hard to fit in and measure-up? What if it were possible… ~to let it all go? ~to…

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Do you have a story to tell?

What if your life is a story someone needs to hear? Do you have a story to tell? Do you read a book or watch a movie and think… I have a life story that’s even better than that… Do your friends and relatives tell you to share your experience? What is holding you back?…

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Networking Tips for Introverts

woman networking

Introverts CAN network If you find yourself intimidated or a little overwhelmed when you have to talk about your business to a room full of say 50+ people, you are not alone. This is especially true if you are an introvert.   Mention attending networking events to many entrepreneurs and you get rapid heartbeats along with…

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10 secrets of genuinely confident people

confident woman

How to Develop the Confidence You Want Being confident is not a gift.   It’s not built into your DNA   It’s a step by step learned process   Genuinely confident people understand that being confident is not something that descends upon you, fully formed. They didn’t wake up one morning and discover they were suddenly…

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The one question you should ask…

A Key Question Are you at a cross-roads and wondering what direction to take? Are you faced with a difficult decision that will determine your future, your life story? Are you in a rut and need to make some changes… maybe some dramatic ones? According to business coach, Dan Sullivan, there is one key question…

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What successful people do in the morning

Get Your Morning Off to a Successful Start Taking the time early each morning (yes even on the weekend) to reflect, refocus, rethink and renew. It’s what successful people do to insure a successful productive day. Do you get to the end your your day and wonder where the time went? When someone asks you…

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