Teaching a child persistence

boy watching soccer

Children and Persistence Here’s a pop quiz for you: Your child begs you to take piano lessons.  You aren’t so sure it’s worth the time and commitment.  After all, no one in your family has an ounce of musical ability and it’s a big expense. She is persistent though so you decide to give it a…

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Your inner critic and playing small…

Your Inner Critic Who do you think you are to start that business, create that product, showcase that skill? What will people think when they see you? What if someone challenges your talent, ability, expertise?   After all…  you don’t really know what you are doing, do you? Everyone else does it so much better.…

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Does failure lead to success?

choose failure or success

Are failure and success related? He won’t do any work in class. She never turns in homework. She is capable, but doesn’t work up to her potential… If you have been  an educator for any length of time, you’ve had a child like this in your classroom. You’ve tried every strategy that you can think…

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3 Secrets to Living Your Passion

Live Your Passion What if every day you were living your purpose and following your calling in life? What if you lived in the present tense rather than holding out for the future?  Ever wonder what would that look like? The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s…

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Six Strategies for a Great School Year

kids in the school, classroom

How to have a great school year It’s the beginning of the school year here in Georgia.  Teachers, parents and students alike are abuzz with anticipation and excitement.  Educators have been hard at work for days; setting up classrooms, planning lessons and getting everything ready for that big first day that sets the tone for…

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Six reasons to create an exit plan from your job

Exit Plans are Essential Even if you think you never want to leave Even if you love your job Especially if the time to go was… last year. Because life changes–you need a Plan B, even when: You think you have the most stable job in the world.  After all isn’t technology here to stay?…

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