5 ways your mindset may be keeping you poor

woman holding money

Do you have a rich mindset or a poor mindset? What are your beliefs about money?   Equally important, what are your beliefs about yourself?   Do you believe that you provide value and quality work?   Do you feel confident in your ability and talent?   Do you believe that you deserve a rich…

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Teaching the Perfectionist


Personality Style and Perfectionism Is there a student in your class who is an over the top perfectionist? Does everything have to be just so? Do they fall apart when there is the slightest mistake? This is a student who may fall into the C personality style. According to the DISC personality program, there are…

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Are you good enough?

Worried you aren’t good enough? You’ve finally identified your passion, your talent, your skill… You know how you want to serve others But… What if you aren’t good enough? What if you don’t know everything you need to know? What if you need more training, degrees, certifications or experience? I often hear this concern from clients…

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Teaching the High Energy Child


The High Energy Student Is there a student in your class who is the energizer bunny?  Always moving… always talking? Is your student a bundle of energy and curiosity, moving from one activity to another but never completing anything? Does your child love interaction and being in the center of attention? Then you are probably…

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4 Ways to Help Kids Develop GRIT


Helping Kids Develop GRIT Has helping children develop GRIT become a goal where we have focused too intently on the end result without spending enough time on the process? In Brene Brown’s book, Rising Strong  she has many insightful recommendations for living a whole-hearted life of courage, compassion and connection.  However, she makes a statement…

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3 reasons clarity matters in your business

What does clarity look like? Do you have clarity in your business? Do you know who your ideal customer is? Does it really matter? You might ask, “Why do I need clarity in my business?”  After all, you’re willing to sell your product to anyone who wants it right?  So why take the time and…

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