What to do while you wait

Waiting for the World to Get Back to Normal? Thanks to COVID-19 many of us are now stuck at home, worried and nervous about the future. At first, there is perhaps a sense of relief about not stressing over screening each new customer or making a decision about how best to stay germ free in…

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Kids and anxiety

boy doing homework

Kids and Anxiety I was recently talking with a teenager that I volunteer with at Mostly Mutts, a local shelter for dogs.  In the course of our conversation, she told me that she is home schooled because she “has anxiety.”  What does it mean when we think and talk about anxiety this way? When we…

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5 things I wish I knew when I started my business

Five Things I’ve Learned From Starting a Business My coaching business has been many years in the making.  For years, I was working full time as a school counselor while coaching, writing and training  on the side.  I officially left school counseling and launched my coaching business six years ago.  Since I’d been working in…

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Five skills kids need to learn in the digital age


5 Skills Kids Need in the Digital Age I often hear experienced teachers complain about how students have changed over the years.  Children who will spend hours locked into a video game can hardly pay attention for ten minutes to a classroom lesson.  It seems that children of the digital age expect to be entertained…

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Personality conflicts

Four Tips to Solve Personality Conflicts In a recent blog post, I mentioned how understanding personality style can improve relationships.  This is especially true if you are trying to relate to someone who has the opposite personality style to yours. Lets say that you are a D and you have to supervise someone who is…

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What to do when kids argue


Kids and Arguments “I had it first… it’s mine!” “I want the green one… you can have the blue one.” “No the green one is bigger… you always get the biggest one.” “You always get your way… it’s my turn to go first.” Sound familiar?  Recently after teaching a parent class at a local elementary…

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