Feel like giving up?

What to do when life gets in the way I had good intentions but… I lost my focus and my emotions took over… There was no time to follow through… I feel like giving up… What do you do when you have a vision, set an intention, make a goal… and then stuff happens? You…

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Helping kids develop grit


Helping kids develop grit You’ve got one kid in your class who is knocking it out of the park… they are on top of their assignments they are engaged they ask questions and are genuinely interested in learning You’ve got another who is failing… they are always behind the eight ball they are disengaged they are…

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Are you feeling grateful?


Are You Feeling Grateful? Do you wonder how anyone could feel grateful in times like these? Developing an attitude of gratitude is something that can be started early in small ways and then developed into a daily perspective that is an effortless habit. Gratitude involves learning to first, be aware and secondly, to frame the…

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Helping Kids Develop an Attitude of Gratitude


Debunking Myths about Gratitude Developing an attitude of gratitude is something that can be started early in small ways and then developed as a child grows. Even young children can learn to be thankful for the many daily experiences they encounter. Gratitude involves learning to be first aware and secondly to frame the situation in…

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Where is the story in your business?

A couple of years ago, I was consulting with a business owner recently who has a gift for seeing the story, the message in everything that his business does.  You might find that hard to believe if you knew his business.  He cleans. You know, offices, homes, dorms, new construction.  Bathrooms, bedrooms, kitchens, toilets. Where’s…

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Kids and anger

mad boy

Kids and Anger Challenges Do you have a student who has a low frustration tolerance?  Even the slightest thing sets him off? Do you have a child that loses control and throws temper tantrums?  Are you walking on eggshells trying to keep her on an even keel? What can you do to teach more emotional…

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