Top 3 sales mistakes

Top 3 Sales Mistakes

Are you disappointed in the number of sales and the money you are making in your business?

Are you starting to think that you can’t sell anything?

Don’t worry.

I bet it’s not you and it’s not your product. It’s the mindset and the message that you are using.

You can learn to sell! I’ve spent the last ten or so years writing and selling a series of children’s picture books as well as my coaching and training services. It hasn’t always been successful or effortless, but over time, I have developed a comprehensive system that not only creates sales but also drives sales all year long.  Isn’t that really what you are looking for?

When I coach clients who are selling a product I usually find three mistakes that are at the root of disappointing sales. Here they are and how you can turn them around:

Not identifying your ideal client – First take the time to define your ideal client, in detail, then make sure that you are in the best environment possible for connecting with your ideal client.  Don’t try to cover all the bases and sell to anyone and everyone. Instead, clarify who your target market is and go where they are.  The clearer and more narrow your market, the easier it will be to talk their language and make a sale.

Not developing a relationship – Relationships are at the heart of a successful business.  Think relationships wherever you are.  Don’t just think customer relationships. Develop a relationship with an event host, the event planner and/or the venue coordinator. Develop a relationship with every participant. Instead of thinking, “What can I sell them?” think, “How can I help them?”  Wherever you find yourself:

  • smile and greet everyone
  • show an interest in who they are and what they do
  • don’t just sell your product, sell a solution to a problem

Not developing a sales follow-up system— Most business owners do a one and done type of sales process.  That means you  sell one book, one coaching session, one massage or one piece of jewelry.  After that one transaction, you look for your next customer, rinse and repeat.  It’s exhausting and tends to encourage a feast or famine type of a business. Instead, stay in touch and provide value. You will gain more by nurturing a previous customer than expending effort in chasing down new ones.

Here are a few possibilities for staying connected:

  • Share an eBook that provides additional information
  • Give away a product for free
  • Alert them to a sale or a new product.
  • Create a community that people want to be a part of. Provide such great consistent value that previous customers will enjoy telling their friends about the value they get from the relationship. They can become your best marketing voice.

Do you have a dream career or business that you’ve been wanting to explore?  Ready to step out of your comfort zone and gain some clarity on what is possible?

Let’s plan your amazing future together…

Grab your time for a free coaching clarity call here: Complimentary Coaching Call

FREE COACHING SESSION: Friday, February 12th @ 11:00am EST on Virtual Sales with me, Dawn Coe and Gavin Edwards. We will talk about and answer questions on how to do an effective Facebook Live Session. No cost but you do need to let me know that you  are interested so I can send you a Zoom Link.
Hit reply and email me here:


Announcing my newest coaching packages:

Clarify your Message and Present like a Pro 

Does your message clearly tell people how you can help?
Does it make people want to lean in and listen? Because if people aren’t listening, they aren’t buying. Let’s change that…

Sign up here for Clarify your Message and Present like a Pro to ensure success in your business.


suzanne bagley



Lynne, Dawn and Gavin made my Facebook Live Epicure Party a huge success. There was more involvement online, the technology went off without a hitch and most of all it was fun for everyone. Thanks for a very successful event! I highly recommend Present Like a Pro

~Suzanne Bagley,







  1. […] last blog post was about the top 3 sales mistakes that I see clients make. In this post, I’ll identify the three best practices to create […]

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