How to calm an angry child

Angry upset boy, little man

How to calm an angry child Have you ever been faced with calming an angry child? What is the best approach? How can we teach children to manage strong emotions like anger? Brain Chemistry  Anger control is best understood by thinking about the brain chemistry involved. Adults and children often think of emotions such as…

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Forget about goals, do this instead

woman and goals

Forget about goals, do this instead If you set goals for this year, there’s a good chance that they will will fall into one of these categories: health, finances, relationships or job/business.  How do I know?  Aside from the fact that I spend a lot of time talking with people about their goals, here are…

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Helping children overcome fear

Excited little asian boy

Three things we can teach kids about fear The child in my office was in tears.  Here was her story:  She was selected to give the pledge to the flag on the morning news station at school. This is a great honor and she was excited until the morning of the show, when  she suddenly…

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Create a game plan for 2021

Create a game plan Don’t we all want 2021 to be a banner year?   Especially after what we went through in 2020?   One of the best ways to make it a banner year is to create a game plan for success by not only creating new goals but first taking the time to…

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One Word for 2021

good time

One Word can Inspire Your Family What do you dream of for you and your family in 2021? Do you have a vision for your family’s future? Do you have an idea of the values and the principles that are your family’s foundation? Wonder how to make that dream happen? Resolutions and setting goals are…

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One Word and Vision Boards

vision board

How to use vision boards to set and achieve goals For the last several years, I have chosen a word in January to give me focus for the year. Then using the word as a theme, I create a vision board to provide focus for the year. Mid year is always a good time to…

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