Create a game plan for 2021
Create a game plan
Don’t we all want 2021 to be a banner year?
Especially after what we went through in 2020?
One of the best ways to make it a banner year is to create a game plan for success by not only creating new goals but first taking the time to review your successes and failures of last year. Too often we simply reapply the same goals that didn’t work well for the new year. So our plan becomes:
Try harder.
Be more determined.
These are all good strategies, if they were working for you last year. But you know what they say about simply doing more of the same and expecting different results. Instead as you set goals for 2021, consider a new plan. Determine the strategies you want to continue, but also decide what you don’t want to continue. You might eliminate programs, memberships in organizations as we well as meetings that weren’t producing the desired results. Not only is this a key step to being more productive, it also creates room for new endeavors. Just adding more and more to your plate is like buying new clothes and never cleaning out your closet. At some point you run out of space.
Here are some key questions to ask yourself as you review 2020 and create your action plan for 2021:
- What worked last year?
- What didn’t work last year?
- What do I want to keep going forward?
- What do I need to kick to the curb?
- What is my vision for 2021?
- What are my action steps for 2021?
Answering these questions will keep you focused on the big picture. It creates continuity with the past and vision for the future. We all want to make the new year better and in order to do that, we must schedule our priorities. Create habits and a mindset that is a game plan for success.
Creating a goal without creating an action plan is like signing up for a marathon but not putting in the time to practice every morning in preparation for the race. It’s like going on vacation, having a destination in mind but not following the directions for how to get there. Can you imagine saying, “My GPS says turn left here but I’m not in the mood to go left today so I’ll just keep going straight. It will probably work out okay.” Then being surprised when you wind up in Kansas rather than Florida. Yet that is how many of us approach goals.
Wonder how to restructure your life and actually accomplish your most important goal? I have a plan…
Dream Achiever: Goal Setting and Dream Achieving Workshop
- Identify Your Why
- Create a Smart Goal
- Be-Do-Have Tool
- Action Plan: Determine the One Thing
- Visualize Your Future
Date: Friday, January 22, 11-12:30
Dream Achiever: Get ‘Er Done Goal Setting Workshop
- 4 Disciplines of Execution
- Create Accountability Measures to Ensure Success
- Personality Style
- Create a System of Atomic Habits
Date: Friday, January 29, 11-12:30
Dream Achiever: Clarify Your Message
- Determine Your Ideal Client
- Use a 7 Point Framework to Write Your Story
- Practice Sharing Your Message
Date: Friday, February 5, 11-12:30
Where: Zoom
Investment (dirt cheap): $35.00 per session or $75 to attend all three sessions and I’ll get you all the details.

I was at a turning point in my business in deciding which direction to go. I needed some focus and inspiration. Fortunately I was connected with Lynne Watts and Dream Achiever Coaching. Through a few individual coaching sessions and her informative videos I learned how to change my mindset about “selling” and promoting my business. I also gained clarity on direction and uncovered a business model that would work best with my current phase of life. I now have greater clarity to move forward in 2017 and have already landed my first client of the year! Lynne is positive, encouraging, and is great at helping you find the clarity and inspiration you need to move to the next level! I highly recommend Lynne’s coaching packages!
~Sandra Abdalian