helping kids handle disappointment

frustrated girl

Developing Skills to Handle Disappointment We all face disappointment, children and adults alike.  Whether it’s missing the winning shot or rain that ruins a picnic at the park, life is full of big and little disappointments.  As parents and teachers we would like to spare kids from these letdowns.  However, we can do children a greater service…

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Five ways to set goals that work

The secret to successful goals It’s that time of year again when lots of people are talking about making resolutions, setting an intention and creating goals for the new year.  Wonder what most people want to change?  Tied for the top three spots at 37% are: eat healthier, exercise and save more money.  Interestingly 32%…

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Top 3 sales mistakes

Top 3 Sales Mistakes Are you disappointed in the number of sales and the money you are making in your business? Are you starting to think that you can’t sell anything? Don’t worry. I bet it’s not you and it’s not your product. It’s the mindset and the message that you are using. You can learn…

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Are you in love… with your work?

Are you having a Love Affair with Your Work? To be truthful, there are times when I am in love with my work and there are other times when I don’t feel so loving.  For instance, I’m not in love with my work when I have to show up at events that are challenging. I’m not…

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Seven Ways to Teach Children Empathy

Twin sisters on Wooden pier

Understanding someone else’s feelings What is empathy? Empathy is the ability to understand and feel what others feel.  It is putting yourself in another’s shoes. When my youngest daughter was little she watched the movie, The Fox and The Hound and cried and cried at the end when Todd was attacked by the bear.  That’s…

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How to overcome a slump

What if a slump is a detour sign instead of a dead end sign? Are you in a slump?  Can’t find the motivation? Feel like everything you’ve done, just hasn’t had the desired result? Sounds like you’ re in a slump.  Me too. There are a lot of reasons for a slump. Sometimes it’s the…

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