Goal setting: what people don’t know

Moving beyond goal setting to goal getting When I talk with clients about goal setting, there are always a few (okay, a lot) who give up before they start.  They usually say things like: I tried setting goals… and they don’t work for me. I just don’t have any willpower. I’m tired of setting goals. …

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3 Ways the Internet Has Changed Kids’ Lives

Young girls playing or working on a computer

Three Ways the Internet has Changed Everything for Kids (and what to do about it) I often hear experienced teachers complain about how students have changed over the years.  Children who will spend hours locked into a video game can hardly pay attention for ten minutes to a classroom lesson.  It seems that children of…

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Merry Christmas from Wyatt the Wonder Dog

Wyatt Giving-ChristmasTree

Merry Christmas! T’was the night before Christmas and all through the land, Wyatt and friends were feeling quite grand. They’d learned quite a bit about it’s meaning you see— For the spirit of Christmas is generosity. Wyatt used to think Christmas was all about things; Presents and toys, electronics that ding. But now he knows…

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Feeling down this holiday season?

How to cope when the holidays aren’t what you expected… Maybe it’s because of my age or my family circumstances, but every year I coach a lot of women who are coping with disappointing holiday plans.  The conversation usually starts like this; I feel like all the holiday traditions that I worked so hard to establish…

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Holiday Stress?

5 Tips Guaranteed to Beat It In case you didn’t notice… the world is gearing up for another holiday season. Are you looking forward to it? Or dreading the stress? Eagerly anticipating family gatherings? Or agonizing over the perfect gifts? Wondering how you will fit everything into your already busy schedule? Here’s some tips to…

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