should you hire a coach or DIY?

Have you thought about hiring a coach, but wonder if you really need one?

Couldn’t you could just do it yourself?

Or maybe you could read one of those self-help books and just do what it says?

After all… how hard could it be?

Here are some thoughts to help you make the decision…

Four signs you need a coach

You are over-worked, over-whelmed and over-it— If you barely have energy to drag through the day, a coach can help you regain control of your time and your priorities. Talking to a coach for 45 minutes or so a week can help you design a life where your business and your work is a manageable part of your life rather than a fire out of control that is destroying your life.  

You set goals and make resolutions but they never seem to work–Knowing what to do and doing it are two different things.  How many of us know that we should exercise regularly but don’t do it until we hire a trainer to hold us accountable?  A business coach works in much the same way.  A coach can make sure that you follow up on all that knowledge that you’ve acquired but aren’t putting to use. Beyond that, they will also add to that knowledge base in ways that will improve your business.

You spend all your time putting out fires — you don’t have control of your own time because all of your time is determined by someone else’s agenda.  You spend so much time on things that urgently need your attention that you never make it to the important tasks that you want to.  A coach can help you analyze your time and teach strategies for determining where to put your focus and energy.  Most importantly, they can help you implement the plan. 

You know there is something more important that you should be devoting your life to, but you don’t know how–Maybe it’s an idea that has been pestering you forever.  Maybe it’s just a vague sense that you have a lot more to offer than you are presently giving.  A coach can not only help you flesh out the details but they can also help you create an action plan to make it happen.  A coach can be your best encourager, motivator and kick in the pants-er.  

Ready to move forward in your life and your business?

Want to get out of the rut? 

I have a few openings in my coaching practice for heart centered, purpose driven clients who want to stop the excuses and start creating the life they dream of.

Dream Achievers:  Grab your time for a complimentary clarity coaching call and see if coaching is your best next step: Coaching Clarity Call

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