Growing Strong: Four Characteristics of Resilient Children

excited kids

It is a rare individual who does not encounter  disappointments and difficulties during their childhood years. As counselors, we have the privilege of nurturing tomorrow’s leaders and helping them develop courage and resilience in order to handle these difficulties. Resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversity, overcome obstacles, and adapt positively to life’s…

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4 Ways to Develop Resilient Kids

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We all know people who have experienced tremendous challenges in their lives. Perhaps you are one of them. Sometimes it is a physical challenge, sometimes it is an environmental challenge and other times it is a menta or emotionall challenge. After talking with someone about  their personal challenge, I always ask, “What is it that…

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Classroom Stress Relief Strategies for Kids

girl with glasses thinking

Students today are more stressed than any time in history.  Causes of stress may  include social pressures, family conflict, food/housing insecurity, struggles with identity or self-esteem, academic pressures, and life transitions. Any stressor can significantly impact a child’s mental health. Equipping students with coping mechanisms within the classroom setting is critical for their overall well-being.…

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Creating Calm: Relaxation Strategies

boy meditating

It really wasn’t that many years ago when people would ask me, “What problems could elementary age children possibly have that necessitates a full time counselor in an elementary school?” Fast forward to the environment of today, and we are all too familiar with the many mental health issues that children face. As elementary school…

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The secret formula to help kids develop self-confidence

family and one word

Developing resilient children  A key component to develop resilient children is recognizing that every child already has the necessary ingredients for resilience within. As educators and parents we don’t have to instill it in them. We just have to provide an environment where it is nurtured and can grow. In her book, Thrivers: The Surprising…

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Kids who feel overwhelmed

stressed kid

Kids Who Feel Overwhelmed It’s not just adults who feel overwhelmed today. Kids it seems have more pressures and challenges than ever. Not to mention that we all live in a pessimistic, if something bad can happen then it probably will world. What can we as adults do to help kids ( and ourselves while…

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