Parenting the Sensitive and Introverted Child

Sad child

Parenting the Sensitive and Introverted Child A mother recently told me her concerns about her son who is very introverted.  “He is so quiet and reserved, we’ve been working with him to help him feel more comfortable in social situations,” she said. According to the DISC personality assessment, there are two personality styles that are…

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Why we should celebrate not worry about introverts

little boy plays with toy car

Six Reasons to Celebrate Introverts In parenting classes, I often hear concerns about children who are introverts. Parents worry that they won’t make friends, won’t be successful and will be unhappy throughout their lives. In the book, Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking, the author, Susan Cain puts these…

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What Type of Introvert Are You?

Introvert or Extrovert? Do you wish you were someone else–personality wise?  Introverts may wish they were more outgoing. Extroverts wish they were more calm and focused.  In this series of posts on personality style, I’ll be sharing how understanding our temperament can lead us to celebrate our strengths and and stand in our own power rather than…

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Creating Summertime Family Fun

happy little girl on beach

Personality Style Counts! Summer vacations are upon us! How do you plan your child’s activities for the summer? Is everyone off to camp or spending the day at the local pool? Are you visiting local parks or exploring a museum? The unstructured days of summer sound heavenly, but sometimes the end result falls short of the…

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Does Personality Style Impact Goal Achievement?

visualize your future

How to work in your strengths and achieve your goals You might wonder what your personality style has to do with how you set and accomplish goals… easy answer: everything.  I’ve written in a previous post about personality style: Understanding Personality Style can Improve Your Business.  Each style approaches setting goals differently.  Here are some…

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How to handle a child’s perfectionism


Tips to Help a Perfectionist Child As a school counselor for twenty years, I often heard from teachers and parents who were coping with a perfectionist student.  Intelligent and capable of high quality work, this is often a child who dissolves into tears or a tantrum when they don’t perform a task perfectly or if…

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