7 Things Entrepreneurs Will Understand

What have you learned as an entrepreneur? Traveling in the business world as an entrepreneur can be scary, rewarding and exciting at the same time. Ever since leaving my twenty year career as a school counselor and stepping boldly (and timidly at the same time) into the world of  business, I have learned and grown…

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Five signs its time to make a change…

Decisions are hard and you’ve been trying to determine if its time. Here are some signs: You’ve been waiting for things to get better…for a very long time.  Whether you are overwhelmed with the mounting workload on your job or hoping (and praying) that your boss will start giving you the recognition you deserve, your focus is…

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Do you know your calling?

Your Mission Matters Do you know your calling or purpose with clarity and focus? Could you state it in one succinct sentence? Or is it foggy and unclear?  Charles Schultz, the creator of Charlie Brown was a genius at bringing big concepts down to everyday life. In one comic strip, Lucy says to Charlie, “You know,…

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Is there an obstacle in your path?

Four Road Blocks to Success If you want to win, you’ve got to start. ~John Maxwell Do you have trouble getting started? Do you have an idea that has been a dream for a while, maybe even a few years, but you’ve just never gotten around to doing anything about it? Maybe you took a…

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Three Ways to Be Mentally Strong

Your Mindset is Key Doing something for the first time can be scary and unnerving whether it is starting a new venture, a new career or a new relationship.  Guess what we don’t usually think much about?  Creating the right mindset for being successful. It seems a little too woo-woo. It seems too vague. I…

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Five Reasons Not to Hire a Coach

Why Hiring a Coach can Change Your Life Do you have clarity on where you are going with your career or business? Do you have a vision for one year from now… five years? Are on track and making progress? Are you in charge of your future or are you drifting along, just waiting to…

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