Helping Kids Develop Self-Compassion Through Self-Talk

Growing Self Compassion The term monkey brain refers to the mind’s constant chatter. According to some brain scientists, the mind creates 50,000 thoughts a day. That chatter keeps us not only unfocused but out of touch.  Much of that chatter unfortunately is negative self-talk. We are all at its mercy and children are no exception, which is why…

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Five Reasons to Smile

girl smiling

Need a free and effortless mood lifter? What if there was one simple thing that you could do repeatedly, that would life your mood and the mood of everyone around you, teachers and kids alike? And what if that one thing was so simple it took no extra energy or effort? What if it was…

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Doubtbusters: Changing Your Mindset

How to change how you feel about yourself I’m not good enough… If they really knew me… Everyone else does it better… I’m not worthy… We all have it.  The fear of being seen.  Not a fear of being seen in our latest contrived photo-shopped selfie on Facebook.  Not a fear of being seen in…

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3 Ways to Develop a Grateful Mindset


Teaching Kids to be Grateful for Hardship This is a hard topic for adults so I know that teaching kids to be grateful for challenges and hardships in their own lives is difficult. However, in the current climate of Covid, economic downturns, schools in crisis, divisiveness among so many different groups, not to mention the…

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What is holding you back?

 Three Mindsets that Keep You Stuck One of my favorite books is Who Moved My Cheese?  by Spencer Johnson.  I especially like the children’s version with it’s colorful pictures and clever text. As a school counselor, I read the story in classrooms and discussed the behavior of the four characters with children. I’ve also loaned…

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