Personality Styles and Successful Relationships

Understanding Personality Can Be Key Sometimes soft skills are hard and understanding personality style can make the difference between success and failure in relationships. Here are some examples: You are a supervisor of a small department and one person in particular… drives you insane.  You just cannot understand how to communicate with her. Her attention…

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Celebrate Your Child’s Unique Voice


What is Your Child’s Unique Voice? What does it mean to be authentic or real? Is being authentic something to be achieved or a continual practice? Can you be who you really are and still show compassion to others who are different? How do we teach children to recognize and  be their authentic selves? Teaching children…

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Personality conflicts

Four Tips to Solve Personality Conflicts In a recent blog post, I mentioned how understanding personality style can improve relationships.  This is especially true if you are trying to relate to someone who has the opposite personality style to yours. Lets say that you are a D and you have to supervise someone who is…

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What’s your story?

And why it matters A favorite gift I once received is a lovely canvas designed by Kelly Rae Roberts. Her extraordinary work combines quotes and collage.  Even though I don’t know her, I feel we share something in common and her art pieces always speak to me.  The message on the one that I own is: Your beautifully, messy, complicated…

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Parenting and the Word NO

mom and booy

The importance of learning the word: no One of the most important words, we as parents can learn to say is “no”.  I realize that I’m starting this post off on a rather negative note, and it’s certainly not my style, but it’s a hard lesson to learn and I was reminded of it just…

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Creating Summertime Family Fun

happy little girl on beach

Personality Style Counts! Summer vacations are upon us! How do you plan your child’s activities for the summer? Is everyone off to camp or spending the day at the local pool? Are you visiting local parks or exploring a museum? The unstructured days of summer sound heavenly, but sometimes the end result falls short of the…

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