Helping Kids Set Goals that Work

goal setting

Helping kids learn to set goals can be a skill that serves them well in every area of life. However, it can also be a frustrating and discouraging experience for them! How can you help kids not only set goals but develop the patience and persistence to see them through to the end? Here are…

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The Burnout Cure: Seven Tips


How to take back control in your life Are you overwhelmed? Overworked? Over-committed? All of the above?  So many school counselors would describe themselves as burned out not fired up. Days are characterized by TOO MUCH. There is too much to do at school. Kids are more needy than ever. Teachers are on their last…

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Doubtbusters: Changing Your Mindset

How to change how you feel about yourself I’m not good enough… If they really knew me… Everyone else does it better… I’m not worthy… We all have it.  The fear of being seen.  Not a fear of being seen in our latest contrived photo-shopped selfie on Facebook.  Not a fear of being seen in…

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Intention and Reflection for the Classroom

boy winning award

Intention and Reflection for the Classroom What was the most memorable and significant year of school for you? The first year you attended school? The year you starred in the class play? The year you won an award? The year you graduated? Research has shown that an important part of learning in any environment is reflecting on our…

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6 negative thinking patterns

And how to turn them around Are you second guessing yourself? Is there something that you should move forward on but… you are holding back on taking the necessary steps. waiting for perfection waiting to feel more confident and certain or just plain avoiding it because it feels so uncomfortable? But it’s still there isn’t? …

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children who feel entitled

Girls are having fun

Say this… not that Ever wonder how we could wind up with a whole generation of kids who feel entitled? Entitled to good grades without having to work and study for them. Entitled to a spot on the team or in the organization without having to practice and prove themselves. Entitled to success without having to…

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