DISCover Your Temperament


Good counselors and educators do things well. Great counselors not only do things well but also teach and inspire others to do things well. One of the advantages of training counselors in DISC temperament assessment is that it opens up a whole new way to communicate with kids, parents and other educators. In addition, it…

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10 Ways to Hire Successfully

How to Hire Successfully Covid 19 has created a mixed bag in the business world. Some businesses are so busy they can’t keep up with the demand, especially if their product is necessary to protect individuals from the virus. Others are shutting down altogether and their employees are out of work. If you are in…

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Personality Styles and Successful Relationships

Understanding Personality Can Be Key Sometimes soft skills are hard and understanding personality style can make the difference between success and failure in relationships. Here are some examples: You are a supervisor of a small department and one person in particular… drives you insane.  You just cannot understand how to communicate with her. Her attention…

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what is your leadership style?

woman and leadership

Leadership Style “I’m not really a people person,”  a leader at one of my DISC training sessions told me. A coworker was surprised.   Many of us have the expectation that anyone in a leadership role must be a D personality style (dominant, decisive, doer, determined) or an I personality style (inspiring, influential, interactive).  In…

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What Type of Introvert Are You?

Introvert or Extrovert? Do you wish you were someone else–personality wise?  Introverts may wish they were more outgoing. Extroverts wish they were more calm and focused.  In this series of posts on personality style, I’ll be sharing how understanding our temperament can lead us to celebrate our strengths and and stand in our own power rather than…

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