The secret to successful goal setting

What to do if setting goals isn’t working

I have a quick little test for you. (Don’t you just love pop quizzes?)

When I think about my goals for this year, I am

A. taking a nap and thinking about it later. Goals stress me out.

B. A planner. I’m evaluating the year so far, the milestones that I set and how close I have come to accomplishing them.

C. Are you kidding? Who sets goals when there is a pandemic going on? My goal is survival!

D. A free spirit.  I never set goals.  I like to keep my options open for whatever the universe sends my way.

A Better Way to Be

What if there is a better approach to goal setting?  What if I told you that the reason that your goals have been so difficult to accomplish and to follow through on is that you have been relying on willpower and motivation (which we all know is often in short supply) instead of be-coming power which is the energy of who you want to be in 2021.

Here’s the deal…

Most goals focus on action, on doing;  I want to lose weight, get out of debt and make more money.  All actions.  And that’s the problem. Because before you take action, you need to know where you are going…you need to know who you want to be.  It’s kinda like before you go on a trip, you need to have a destination in mind. If you know you need a vacation, decide to take one and then take off without a destination and a plan, I doubt you will be very successful.

When goals don’t work it is because the why behind the goal isn’t clear and congruent with who you are. It’s important to first recognize the ‘why’ behind your goal and one way to do that is to first envision who you want to be. Stephen Covey called this “Begin with the end in mind.”

Why do you want to lose weight? Maybe your answer is because you want to Be someone who is healthy and active.

Why do you want to get out of debt?  Maybe your answer is because you want to Be  someone who enjoys financial peace.

Why do you want a successful business?  Maybe its because you want to Be someone who helps others through the services or product that you offer.

So here’s your chance… take a few moments, close your eyes and just allow yourself to imagine the person you want to Be when you accomplish that goal or intention that you have for next year.

Got it? Now that you’ve created the vision keep it front and center as you begin to create your goals and steps to reach it for the upcoming year.

I was at a turning point in my business in deciding which direction to go.  I needed some focus and inspiration.  Fortunately I was connected with Lynne Watts and Dream Achiever Coaching.  Through a few individual coaching sessions and her informative videos I learned how to change my mindset about “selling” and promoting my business.  I also gained clarity on direction and uncovered a business model that would work best with my current phase of life.  I now have greater clarity to move forward in 2017 and have already landed my first client of the year!  Lynne is positive, encouraging, and is great at helping you find the clarity and inspiration you need to move to the next level!  I highly recommend Lynne’s coaching packages!~Sandra Abdalian

Need to take a look at where you are going in your business?  Let’s talk.

Sign up for a complimentary coaching call here: 


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