How to Develop Leaders of Compassion

boy with teddy bear

Developing future leaders of compassion In the current times, this question seems more relevant and critical than ever.  This isn’t something that needs to be addressed just in high school and middle school.  Instead, it is a mindset that must be nurtured from the early years of a child’s development.  Both schools and home environments…

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kids practicing generosity

hands holding heart

Debunking Myths about Generosity Are you concerned about the materialism that dominates our society? Do you often feel that you are fighting a a losing battle in a culture that promotes the “gimmes”? Developing an attitude of generosity is something that can be started early in small ways and then developed into bigger projects as the…

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Stuck in your job?

What to do in the meantime. Do you spend as much time complaining about your job as you do working on your job? Are you envious of co-workers who have left but feel like you will never be able to leave? Are there so many obstacles to leaving your job that you get overwhelmed and give up just thinking…

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Kids and Self-esteem

happy kids

Kids and Self-esteem Back in the day when I was a kid, (which I admit was long, long ago), no one worried about kids developing self-esteem.  I’m not even sure the concept of self-esteem existed.  What did parents worry about?  Well, other normal stuff; kids behaving, kids being successful in school, kids getting along with…

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Does Personality Style Impact Goal Achievement?

visualize your future

How to work in your strengths and achieve your goals You might wonder what your personality style has to do with how you set and accomplish goals… easy answer: everything.  I’ve written in a previous post about personality style: Understanding Personality Style can Improve Your Business.  Each style approaches setting goals differently.  Here are some…

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Choose one word to focus your year

What being open has meant in 2017 Every year I choose a word to define my year.  I’ve been doing this for a while so I’ve journeyed along side joy, adventure, possibilities and love.  This year my word has been open.  I wanted to create a mindset of being open to everything around me.  Here…

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