3 ways to teach your kids to be leaders

little girl reading a book

The follower vs. the leader mindset Is your child a leader or a follower? Do you worry that they will cave in to peer pressure? not be able to handle failure? Are you frustrated by their reliance on others to make decisions and solve problems? As parents and educators we all hope for a successful…

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5 secrets to a Zen-like Calm at Work

Taking Charge of Your Feelings Research shows that two out of every three people are unhappy at work… Are you one of them? Did you know that there are a higher number of heart attacks on Sunday evening than any other day of the week?  Bet you can guess why… Whether your job is your…

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Got a vision for your future?

Three steps to creating work you can love “I’ve drawn a line in the sand.  I’m quitting this job at the end of the year, come hell or high water.” “This is absolutely the last time I’m working a holiday season.”   “I can’t take the stress any more.  I’m retiring at the end of…

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Five Ways to Create a Five Star Presentation

Even if you hate public speaking Does the thought of public speaking set off waves of anxiety? When you are asked to share information about your business or your ideas, does you mind go blank and your hands start to shake? Are you avoiding speaking dates even though you know it is the best way…

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What’s your story?

And why it matters A favorite gift I once received is a lovely canvas designed by Kelly Rae Roberts. Her extraordinary work combines quotes and collage.  Even though I don’t know her, I feel we share something in common and her art pieces always speak to me.  The message on the one that I own is: Your beautifully, messy, complicated…

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Three Secrets to a Productive, Stress-free Day

Has Running Your Own Business…Run You Down? I was recently at an event where I ran into an acquaintance from a previous job. She has been retired from her position and on her own for several years. I asked what she had been up to since she left. She at first looked a little unsure…

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