Five Ways to Encourage Creativity in Kids

Children's smiling colorful hands raised up.

Tapping into the Creative Spirit Wonder how to encourage children to be creative? Do you find students are more and more dependent on adults and technology for inspiration and ideas? Here are five ways to encourage creativity in  kids without breaking the bank: Play–Every kid (and adult) needs playtime.  Much of our modern day life tends…

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Top Ten Ways to Travel Smarter

People don’t take trips.  Trips take people.  ~John Steinbeck I love to travel.  Every year I attend a lot of seminars and retreats.  I speak at a lot of conferences.  I’ve taken groups of high school students to Europe and back (didn’t even lose any)! Most of my travel involves business but sometimes I travel…

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  If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll probably end up somewhere else.   ~David Campbell Does this quote sound like you? Do you know where you are going? Do you feel like you are always busy but never get anything done? Do you have lots of lists but nothing to show for…

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What is your greatest regret?

Is fear holding your back? In a book entitled, The Top Five Regrets of the Dying, an Australian nurse, Bonnie Ware, who spent years caring for the terminally ill writes that the number one regret of her patients is this:  I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.  What…

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What Are You Afraid of?

Is fear getting in your way? A few years ago I consulted with Trish, an aspiring author. We originally met at an author event where she asked the question, “How would you go about getting a children’s book published?  I’ve written a story and I’m not sure what to do next.”  I worked with her for…

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What Type of Introvert Are You?

Introvert or Extrovert? Do you wish you were someone else–personality wise?  Introverts may wish they were more outgoing. Extroverts wish they were more calm and focused.  In this series of posts on personality style, I’ll be sharing how understanding our temperament can lead us to celebrate our strengths and and stand in our own power rather than…

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