Ten Ways to Make the Most of a Conference

Do you come prepared to learn… or to be entertained? Do you go to workshops, conferences and seminars? Are they beneficial or just a waste of time and money? Every year I attend and speak at conferences. Conferences and seminars are great ways to expand your knowledge as well as your network. Each conference provides…

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Suffer from mid-year burnout no more…

teacher burnout

Get Fired Up and Finish Strong The school year is more than half over and much of the excitement and anticipation of a new class is long gone. How can you keep the energy and enthusiasm going for the next few months? How can you maintain a positive focus in the midst of the negative…

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Why we should celebrate not worry about introverts

little boy plays with toy car

Six Reasons to Celebrate Introverts In parenting classes, I often hear concerns about children who are introverts. Parents worry that they won’t make friends, won’t be successful and will be unhappy throughout their lives. In the book, Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking, the author, Susan Cain puts these…

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5 Steps to Growing Up a Confident Child

boy on ladder

Confident Children As parents, educators and other concerned adults, we all want children to grow up and be confident, courageous and successful. Being confident is not a gift. It’s not built into a child’s DNA. Is not something that descends upon you, fully formed. No one wakes up one morning and discovers they are suddenly (thank goodness, it’s about time!)…

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Overcome the Fear Factor: Networking for Introverts

Three Skills Introverts Can Develop Nothing strikes more fear into the heart of an introvert than the advice: Go forth and network to grow your business, get a job or just be successful in whatever endeavor you are attempting. I should know. I’m an introvert. Why Introverts are Naturals at Networking As introverts, we think that…

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4 secret skills that kids need to succeed today

Group of boy and girls

How to learn from failure Remember a major disappointment or failure from you own childhood? Trying out for a team or a group and not making the cut? Not getting included in a party invitation or missing out on a special occasion? Losing  a friendship or a loved one? Bet you remember the details of…

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