Friendship Troubles

group of girls

Helping Kids See Problems as Opportunities Friends Making new friends. Handling  challenging situations. Knowing when to move on… What do you do when a friend wants to do something that is unkind, thoughtless, or involves breaking the rules? What do you do when a friend is bossy, self-centered and treats you unkindly? If a friend …

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Three Ways to Be Mentally Strong

Your Mindset is Key Doing something for the first time can be scary and unnerving whether it is starting a new venture, a new career or a new relationship.  Guess what we don’t usually think much about?  Creating the right mindset for being successful. It seems a little too woo-woo. It seems too vague. I…

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“It’s Mine!” Tackling the Sharing Dilemma

children sharing

Is Sharing Always the Answer? You can’t be around a group of kids for any length of time without the issue of sharing coming up. Johnny has a truck that Anthony wants…NOW! Anthony grabs the truck from Johnny and Johnny starts crying. Suzy wants to play with the doll that Chrissy has.  She asks politely if…

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Five Reasons Not to Hire a Coach

Why Hiring a Coach can Change Your Life Do you have clarity on where you are going with your career or business? Do you have a vision for one year from now… five years? Are on track and making progress? Are you in charge of your future or are you drifting along, just waiting to…

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how to keep your cool when your child is losing theirs

Very upset girl

The One Secret Technique that Works There will be moments… Maybe it will seem more like days… When your child is going to get upset. It’s tough to see our children upset and hurting.  Sometimes it even triggers memories of times when we felt the same way.  (Like when you were their age and felt like everyone…

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Three Questions to Simplify Your Life

Creating Focus Counts Simple can be harder than complex. You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it’s worth it in the end, because once you get there, you can move mountains.  Steve Jobs What if you had one minute to describe your business? What if you had…

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