5 Creative Ways to Get Students’ Attention

Rear view of pupils raising arms during the lesson

How to Hook Students at the Beginning of a Lesson Ever been to a conference where the keynote speaker started out with… “Take out your textbook and turn to page 24”? Me neither. If they did… well their audience would probably either head for the exit or start playing Candy Crush on their iphone. Great…

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Ready to give up?

Discouraged and Ready to Give Up? Feel like you’ve been working like a maniac on your business or your career… with few results? Wonder what you need to do to get the clients or the job that you want? Checking your messages every few minutes to see if you got the response you hope for?…

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Still Waiting?

What are you waiting for? Do you have a dream? Maybe it’s to make some extra income in your side job. Maybe it’s to make enough income in your side job to actually leave your day job. Maybe it’s to finally write that book or start that business that you’ve been thinking about for oh,…

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Come as you are…because you are enough

What if it is possible you are enough, just as you are? Do you… ~feel like an impostor? ~worry that if others really knew you, they wouldn’t like you? ~have impossibly high standards for yourself and others? ~work hard to fit in and measure-up? What if it were possible… ~to let it all go? ~to…

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Empower Your Family with a Mission Statement

family mission statement

Does Your Family Have a Mission Statement? The idea of a mission statement is not new.  Businesses have put in countless hours hashing out their mission statement. The idea then moved on to personal mission statements thanks to Stephen Covey among others. What if we applied this idea to our families? Or our classrooms? Would…

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Andy Stanley Parenting Tips

happy kids

Guidelines for Parenting A few years ago, Andy Stanley, senior pastor at Northpoint Church, created a message series entitled Future Family.   In one of the sessions, Andy and his wife, Sandra talk about things they learned and advice they have followed as parents.  It was a brave and informative session because no matter what…

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